Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Only store is not enough

Morning, the United States and Czech Republic, while Ji-Zhong Liu, general manager of U.S. technology companies upstairs, while looking wistfully across the education building of hardware and building materials stores Hing. Sparsely visited the scene so that he will inevitably burst sigh.

Sitting in the office balcony, Ji-Zhong Liu Zhong Guan Cun high-rise buildings overlooking the gently told reporters: In fact, more than ten years ago, the business of these stores are the fire, but now, it is estimated there are only scattered in the home where consumers will go there occasionally . You look around the newly built high-rise, will not go there to purchase. In fact, even before the buildings cover, it has been ran a single attack, but once the contract is a big list with the real estate ... ...

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浣滀负HP鍖椾含鍖哄煙浠g悊锛岀編鎹风編鍜屼腑鍏虫潙澶у鏁板叕鍙镐竴鏍凤紝90骞翠唬鍒濅互鎵瑰彂闆跺敭涓氬姟璧峰銆傚埌浜?000骞达紝鍗曠函浠ユ壒鍙戜负涓昏涓氬姟鐨勪簩绾т唬鐞嗭紝鏃ュ瓙瓒婃潵瓒婁笉濂借繃浜嗭紝鑰屾寚鍚戠洿鎺ュ鎴锋垚涓哄彲鑳界殑鍑鸿矾銆?br />

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鍠勪簬瑙傚療鍜屽垎鏋愮殑鍒樼户蹇犲彂鐜帮紝浠栦滑鐨勯棬甯傚叾瀹炴瀹堝湪涓叧鏉戠殑鍖楀彛锛屽寳杈逛竴鎵瑰ぇ鐨勬満鍏冲崟浣嶅拰闄㈡牎閮芥槸娼滃湪瀹㈡埛銆備粬鐪煎墠涓?寒銆備簬鏄鎴烽儴灏卞紑濮嬩粠杩欎簺瀹㈡埛鍏ユ墜锛岄?杩囧皢瀹㈡埛鐣欎笅鐨勪俊鎭繘琛屽垎绫汇?鏁寸悊锛屽啀瀹氭湡杩涜璁ょ湡鍥炶銆佽窡韪紝瀵绘眰鍐嶆閿?敭鏈轰細銆傚垵娆$殑鍔姏璁╀粬浠皾鍒颁簡鐩存帴鍋氱粓绔鎴风殑鐢滃ご銆?br />
灏辫繖鏍凤紝闈犵潃闂ㄥ競涓婇棬鐨勯浂鏁e鎴凤紝杩樻湁鍋跺皵鏉ヨ嚜鍘傚晢800鏈嶅姟鐢佃瘽鐢╄繃鏉ョ殑瀹㈡埛浠ュ強閫氳繃骞垮憡鍚稿紩杩囨潵鐨勫鎴凤紝瀹㈡埛璧勬簮瓒婃潵瓒婂銆備竴骞翠箣鍚庯紝瀹㈡埛閮ㄧ湡姝g嫭绔嬪嚭鏉ワ紝涓撹亴寮?嫇鏂板鎴枫?浠ュ墠鐨勮?瀹㈡埛鍒欑户缁敱鍘熸潵鐨勯棬甯傛帴鏇胯窡韪拰缁存姢銆?br />
姝ゅ悗锛岃?铏戝埌瀹㈡埛瀵逛簬鍞悗鏂归潰鐨勯渶姹傦紝缁翠慨閮ㄤ篃搴旇繍鑰岀敓銆傚嚑涓粏鍒嗗嚭鏉ョ殑閮ㄩ棬鍚勮嚜鍥寸粫瀹㈡埛鍒嗗伐鍗忓悓杩愪綔銆?br />

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缃戜笂鍟嗗煄锛坵锛夋槸鍒樺紩浠ヤ负璞殑鍙堜竴涓Е瑙掋?浠栧笇鏈涢?杩囪繖涓寕鍦℉P缃戠珯涓婄殑骞冲彴锛屽紩瀵奸浂鏁e鎴峰幓鐩存帴璐墿锛屽噺灏戠淮鎶ゆ垚鏈紝鍚屾椂灏嗘洿澶氱簿鍔涙斁鍒版寲鎺樿涓氱瓑鏈夋洿澶氬鍊兼綔鍔涚殑瀹㈡埛韬笂銆?br />


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Friday, September 24, 2010

Zha Yufeng: build "long flight" back pillar

People staying at home and IP video phone main house, called a reliable, clear and smooth images and language, realistic effects of television viewing. Movies on demand, online education, online doctor, video phones, online games and other content, will depend on FTTH technology. It is understood that fiber to the home known as the "last mile", a distinctive feature is its capacity not only to provide greater bandwidth, but also enhances network data format, speed, wavelength and protocol transparency, relaxed environment and supply and other requirements, simplify installation and use of maintenance, is truly the "information superhighway." The Yangtze Optical Fiber and Fiber Company as a national large-scale manufacturing enterprises, is the pioneer of this highway.

Zha Yufeng as Yangtze Optical Fiber and the company's CIO, this is a research unit of the researchers, from 1999 to its director since joining the long flight engineer, has been committed to a long flight information system building. From a research worker to a chemical on the change of information, he was deeply grateful. Yangtze Optical Fibre service in 8 years, he hopes to better by information technology services for enterprises, the development of structures for the long flight back from the solid support.

Turning to the development of a long history of flight information, check Yufeng admitted: "long-flying business information company has been very great importance, from the plant beginning in 1988 on the introduction of management information systems. And later on its own development a lot of software. and in the information technology industry has been in the forefront. such an atmosphere, so that IT departments will have access to top consulting firms, first-class software, services and the latest and proven technologies and concepts. from, I have benefited. "

Reporter: judge a CIO success criteria? Whether you are at work to do in accordance with this standard? You think make a successful CIO's biggest challenge? Technical background or a breakthrough idea?

Zha Yufeng: on the one hand, CIO is also the service business, business success is its value. The enterprises in the different stages have different concerns, CIO should focus its efforts to help companies achieve their goals. This of course is the CIO should follow the standards, I also do.

In addition, CIO this post requires a higher overall quality. IT involved in a wide range of knowledge, CIO should have a good understanding of the technology, so they requested CIO to continue learning, to accurately grasp the enterprise IT architecture and development. CIO or a management position, to build a good IT team, which included business services, employees, customers, suppliers, etc., have good communication skills. So, I think the biggest CIO challenge is that the overall quality. Meanwhile, "breaking" the word is very interesting, I understand "breakthrough" First is to have inherited, be the fulcrum; second to make it clear where the front.

Most importantly, a CIO must understand that he is a comprehensive job, rather than purely technical posts. Clients because of its universality, must have global vision requirements CIO.

Reporter: Are you the information on this industry, the construction of the universal understanding of what? Level of development? What kind of features?

Zha Yufeng: The information technology industry has its universality and particularity. Generally speaking, we are willing to use sophisticated business software. Such as the ERP system we have chosen is the ORACLE products, but plant management, have their particularities. A general workshop information, including information on three aspects: production information, processes and equipment information and quality information. During this time, the most special quality information management, intelligent tester, data acquisition, process control and networking technologies such as integrated application of quality control, in this regard has been taking a long flight in the world. Second, the technology and equipment management, through process control and device control of the integration, optimization of production. Fiber industry has entered a low-profit era, the market competition. Finally, the fiber yield greater development. In new product technology development, production technology and production management, greater intensity.

Reporter: At present, Yangtze Optical Fiber in the use of means of information production or other work which the actual results? Made what success?

Zha Yufeng: long fly this year's changes in information technology are very large. Building from the network for more than the past, independent platform into a Gigabit backbone, 100M swap network platforms to the desktop; the number of users on the Internet from a dozen to more than 100 user development, the establishment of the VPN network; from the business coverage of speaking, from the past to use their own application software developed by a number of product data management, development to all aspects of business management software are used to manage; this five-year implementation of the project are: network construction, ERP , mail systems, document management systems, optical fiber / cable manufacturing information systems and information security building.

Size of the business to expand, market competition and cost control and lean production requirements, information systems do not support is inconceivable. With information systems, timely delivery rate has been improved, inventory reduction, the market response capacity to enhance work efficiency and so on, these are the benefits of information technology.

Reporter: Yangtze Optical Fibre of information technology has experienced several stages, how to implement it?

Zha Yufeng: enterprise information is the step-wise, long-flying company is no exception. Long Fei's information that can be divided into several stages: stage part of the business information: including inventory management, financial information management, information management workshop. Stage large-scale applications include: supply chain information management, office automation and automated warehouse. The third stage is the interconnection of information systems interoperability. Including information system integration, automation control, and enterprise portal development.

Reporter: How do you think the company should establish its own information system? Will face any difficulties? How to overcome these difficulties? Are you in favor of the information systems outsourcing practice.

Zha Yufeng: In accordance with the needs of business and information systems planning is the establishment of enterprise information system, a basic principle. Encounter at different stages of different difficulty. Long flight number of the company's relatively small IT staff, business is very large. We have taken some of the outsourcing approach to solve this problem. I am not against information systems outsourcing, but also willing to use public resources as part of enterprise information. But opposition to business-critical conditions are not ripe when outsourcing and outsourcing. Professional by a professional company to do things is to improve the quality of service, can not be achieved this objective in outsourcing is not appropriate. Business-critical enterprise should master in their own hands, this is the core of knowledge.

Reporter: fiber optic industry, business management and industrial development which features? You can combine Yangtze Optical Fiber and the information technology, analysis of the optical fiber industry, the characteristics of information technology?

Zha Yufeng: fiber industry compared with other industries in information technology for management services is the same. From the product characteristics, the fiber optic industry is different, one optical fiber and long service life, technical specifications and more, data retention time is long; Second, the data collected from the test and get a special instrument; Third, individual requirements cables clear ; Finally, to improve the material utilization.

Reporter: Would you please review the information you are engaged in construction work among the greatest resistance encountered what, how is your solution. Yangtze Optical Fibre and for the future of information technology, you have no new ideas and thoughts?

Zha Yufeng: First, enterprises need to determine the direction of information technology. No matter how much you have to consider input, there must be output. Second, the information is a gradual process, is a maturing process. Information needs of itself in the gradual changing.

Information systems are phased growth. "Development - Adjustment - further development - and then adjust" is a basic rule. Recalling the previous system, they will find that the system has many deficiencies. We have to consider the early construction of the system were as considerate of some, to avoid these problems; the other hand, faced with insufficient time to adjust or add to. Software vendors of software, is a collection of shared knowledge of many enterprises a platform, it brings you the advanced management ideas and management tools, while not fully representative of your business. So even if commercial software, enterprises need according to their own needs and characteristics of the systems review, make the appropriate changes. Can be said that enterprise information is an autonomous process of implementation and their own growth.

Reporter: Yangtze Optical Fibre-based building information, what kind of planning? Also need to focus on the implementation of which projects or to solve what problem? For Yangtze Optical Fiber and the future of information technology planning and preparation you have what views?

Zha Yufeng: a long fly three to five years of planning, is based on the need to do a long flight. Companies need a stable, reliable and high-speed systems. As alluded to above information is a gradual process, basic work is very important to have a more solid foundation is possible on to a new level.

Long flight information company attaches great importance to the building, from top to bottom has such an atmosphere. So, carry out the work is still relatively smooth. How to build the future information system problems, we now have some new ideas, information systems are also being revised and long-term planning.

Reporter: Can you look at objective evaluation, information technology companies for the development of Yangtze Optical Fiber and played what role, what for, what shortage?

Zha Yufeng: the former is the latter service. Information into the development of a long flight to play the support role. Information played a back support, without information support, there can be such a scale now.

Related links:

Optical Fiber and Cable Co., Ltd. in 1988, former Chinese Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Wuhan municipal government and the Netherlands, Philips joint venture built by a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Telecom Group, China Huaneng letter of Posts and Telecommunications Economic Development Center, Wuhan Yangtze Communication Industry Draka Communications Technology Group Co., Ltd. and co-operation is the most complete product specifications in China today, the most advanced production technology, production of the largest optical fiber and cable manufacturing and research and development of professional enterprise. The company is located in Wuhan Guanshan Road on the 4th, located in the scenic East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, covers an area of 140,000 square meters.

The company has a modern plant and equipment, using advanced fiber-optic cable production technology and modern management methods. In 1993 the first manufacturing industry in communications gained international standard ISO 9002 series of international quality system certification. In 2002, the long-flying company will convert the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 edition international standards. In 2004 it was certified ISO 14001 environmental management.

Since 1992, flying the company's older products are used in Chinese optical fiber and cable communication cable network since the optical fiber and cable products have been all over the country, and marketing the United States, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, South Africa, Europe and the Middle East than a dozen countries and regions, serving the post office, railroad, electricity, radio and television, aerospace, petrochemical, transportation, defense, education and other industries.

After several rounds of expansion and fiber-optic cable expansion, optical fiber and cable, respectively, the annual production capacity of 15 million kilometers and 150,000 kilometers long skin. Expanding the production scale in the same time increase the capital intensity of operations, have invested in China set up the Optical Fiber and Cable (Shanghai) Company, Yangtze Optical Fiber and Cable (Jiangsu), holding company of Guangdong Shantou Ocean satellite cable. Around a core competitive advantages of optical products in a huge industrial chain, not only to optimization of product variety and production capacity, and grouping operations, reduce costs and enhance the Group's overall competitiveness.

Facing the various market opportunities and challenges, long flight will continue to be customer-centric, technology-oriented research and development efforts continue to strengthen and optimize the product structure, strict quality control to maintain sustained and steady development, to provide more and better products for the global telecommunications industry to make greater contributions to the development.

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